Friday, July 24, 2009

" They Make Me Sick"

It does indeed make me sick when I see people taking advantage of the unlearned concerning their illnesses and handicaps. It amazes me how someone can take the last cent of a cancer patient, the last dollar of a crippled child's parent and the seeming only hope one might have by enticing them to believe they have the "Gift" from God to heal their condition. This does make me angry and I need your prayers concerning this issue.

This is what I think about these spiritual perverts who prey on the unfortunate:
1. They are evil to the core and infested by Satan himself.
2. They are grossed with sin and need Jesus to save them.
3. If Benny Hinn is so powerful why does he still wear glasses?
4. If they had powers as they claim why are they not hanging out at Childrens and all other
5. They are liars and the truth is not in them.
6. They are tares who will plunked out by Christ and burned. And I do care for their soul.

Am I in the flesh because I just got back from one of the saddest places I have even been. Maybe so, but the truth is the truth. No apologies here, but I will offer up prayer for their soul.

Friday, July 17, 2009

" I Believe "

* I believe some are quick to judge one another by the actions of the Churches in which they
pastor and forget they are sent there by God to lead them forward!

* I believe some often judge the entire Church by the way a few act and believe!

* I believe some are to quick to respond to blogs without thinking therefore respond
in bitterness and possible anger!

* I believe ministers should be careful as to how they respond to blogs understanding anyone
can read them.

* I Do Believe I'm here at Calvary to march forward for the cause of Christ; to be
uncompromisable; to remain conservative to all issues concerning bible principle; to be bold
and understanding concerning the King James Bible; and to love my brethren and sisters in
Christ always no matter what we might disagree on.

* I do believe prayer still works so men of God and whomever else is reading this please pray
for me as I serve the Lord, remain conservative, and lead this Church the way God would
have me to and how He wants it to be.